Went to a free three day gig under a railway arch, where the audience could wander in off the street and lounge on scatter cushions, and Jarvis Cocker invited anyone who turned up with an instrument to join in the jamming. The music sounded nothing like Cocker's usual stuff, but just whatever a gaggle of great musicians made up on the spur of the moment, incredible long riffs getting more and more intense, exploding almost into white noise. A twenty minute improvisation on The Who's The Wall (It was the anniversary of the demise of the Berlin Wall) was the only time that Jarvis sang. Miho Wada wandered in with her flute and is in several of these pictures.
The Guardian said "With endless stories predicting the imminent death of the music industry, he also wanted to explore the idea that music could return to simply being an art form."
There was a single light over the players, so most of these were at full aperture and ISO6400. Not bad! The scatter cushion picture was the recombination of two exposures prised from a RAW file, such was the difference in the light on the musicians and the audience. Remember the good old days of film? No thanks!
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